Reliable pointing and retrieving from land or water!
Pointing with Intensity!
All Versatile Breeds!
Performance when it counts!
The Versatile Hunting Dog Clubs of South Africa
Experience the thrill of training and hunting with your versatile dog!
What we do...
- Testing, Training and Hunting with the next generation of Versatile / HPR+ dogs!
- Educating and assisting owners to develop their dogs for productive hunting, testing and good companionship!
- We're all about the dogs and the people who love them!
- We endorse and promote the ethical use, training and breeding of the versatile hunting dog and respect for game and game laws!
- We strive for excellence in performance both before and after the shot!
- We follow internationally recognized systems of testing, such as the JGHV - German Hunting Dog Association, DKV - Deutsch Kurzhaar Association, and others. Tests offered are officially recognized by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa!