These Clubs are setting new standards of testing, hunting, training and breeding of the versatile hunting dog breeds in South Africa! We offer tests and trials that are proven and in use internationally.

WDDC – Gauteng, NW and surrounds

The Working Deutsch Drahthaar Club is all about Performance Testing Dogs.  Through these Tests Hunters and Breeders of Versatile Gundogs can guarantee the genetic proponents needed in a top-class Versatile Gundog, thus ensuring future development and advancement of the breed as well as maintaining the integrity of its health through extensive testing.

The WDDC provides a link directly to Germany and the JGHV through our affiliation to the Deutsch Drahthaar Weld Verband eV and the Verein Deutsch Drahthaar.
Although the club focuses on the breeding standards and performance Testing of the Deutsch Drahthaar; like in Germany all of the Versatile breeds are welcomed and encouraged in the Testing for Hunting skills and evaluation for breeding potential.
The WDDC leads the way in offering Tests with both local and International Judges. Tests are offered to Club members in April, June and August/September.
The club actively educates and promotes the layman Hunter and Gundog enthusiast by means of “Open Days” and “Seminars”.  Email:

 VPDC – Western Cape and Eastern Cape

The Versatile Pointing Dog Club is dedicated to developing the versatile gundog through performance testing and training. In addition to offering the Versatile Tests, we run training classes and host various events intended to bring like-minded members together to gain an appreciation of the working qualities of the versatile hunting dog breeds (HPRs). Email:

>>>More about the Club here

WWC – Gauteng, NW and surrounds

The Working Weimaraner Club is all about Performance Testing.  Through these Tests Hunters and Breeders of working Weimaraners can guarantee the genetic proponents needed in a top-class Versatile Gundog, thus ensuring future development and advancement of the breed as well as maintaining the integrity of its health through extensive testing. Email:

The Working Deutsch Kurzhaar Club is all about Performance Testing, like the other Working Clubs.  Through these Tests Hunters and Breeders of working Deutsch Kurzhaars (GSPs) can guarantee the genetic proponents needed in a top-class Versatile Gundog, thus ensuring future development and advancement of the breed as well as maintaining the integrity of its health through extensive testing. Email:

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